#header bidding

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4 months ago
Marketing tech

Empresa de tecnologia publicitaria de video outstream AdPlayer.Pro refuerza la integracion de socios de Prebid

Mejoras en plataforma de servidor de publicidad en video
Facilitación de integración de Demanda publicitaria de Prebid [ more ]
5 months ago
Marketing tech

Attack Of The Clones: Programmatic's Hidden Scourge Of Bid Duplication | AdExchanger

Programmatic auctions are being threatened by bid duplication, which creates carbon copies of themselves and impairs the ability to scale campaigns.
Buyers struggle to differentiate between duplicate bid requests, impacting their ability to make informed decisions and potentially wasting resources. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 weeks ago

Streamline ad monetization with Prebid Server Deployment on AWS | Amazon Web Services

AWS introduces Prebid Server Deployment for ad monetization at scale. [ more ]
4 months ago
Marketing tech

Empresa de tecnologia publicitaria de video outstream AdPlayer.Pro refuerza la integracion de socios de Prebid

Mejoras en plataforma de servidor de publicidad en video
Facilitación de integración de Demanda publicitaria de Prebid [ more ]
5 months ago
Marketing tech

Attack Of The Clones: Programmatic's Hidden Scourge Of Bid Duplication | AdExchanger

Programmatic auctions are being threatened by bid duplication, which creates carbon copies of themselves and impairs the ability to scale campaigns.
Buyers struggle to differentiate between duplicate bid requests, impacting their ability to make informed decisions and potentially wasting resources. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 weeks ago

Streamline ad monetization with Prebid Server Deployment on AWS | Amazon Web Services

AWS introduces Prebid Server Deployment for ad monetization at scale. [ more ]
7 months ago
Marketing tech

AdExplainer: Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding: What's The Difference? | AdExchanger

Header bidding is the dominant approach to programmatic ad auctions since 2014.
There are two methods to implement header bidding: client-side and server-side.
Client-side header bidding is more established and widely used compared to server-side header bidding. [ more ]
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